9/11 Day of Service

Day of Service Summary

St. Louis, Missouri was proud to be one of eighteen cities across the country who participated in a 9/11 Day of Service meal packing event.

In collaboration with the 9/11 Day organization, St. Louis Area Foodbank and Kids Around the World, staff from the Missouri Community Service Commission coordinated over 1,000 volunteers at Enterprise Stadium.

A special thanks to the 100+ AmeriCorps members who joined us for this annual Day of Service in remembrance of September 11, 2001.

Day of Service Numbers

357,000 lbs of food packed

1000+ Meal Pack Volunteers

160+ Support Volunteers

5+ AmeriCorps Programs in Attendance 

Day of Service Snapshots

KMOV St. Louis: “Volunteers pack more than 300,000 meals for needy families in remembrance of 9-11”